Saturday, June 2, 2012

Still here

Back again after a long break. Been having trouble with finding the right levels for my diabetes medication, which I get the feeling is a long way from being stabilized as thevmedical industrial complex seems unable to restrain itself, with goodish intentions, from micro managing. One hopefully good change seems to be that I have got back into Blogger without trouble and seem to be able to post from my iPad (v2), currently my favored electronic device, although it's tendency to suggest spellings that I do not require (including bizarre variations on my name, which I would have thought it would be familiar with by now: plus it's refusal to recognise English as I wish it to be spelt ie as English not north American) (Rant over). It's a wet and foggy and slightly coolish day (10 C); the garden is still ramshackle from want of any attention from me, although the grass is dying down. There has still not been a major frost so far this year, as compared to major frost in April in thelast two years. So hopefully this means the weathervwill not be too severe this winter. I am hoping to be more or less operational by September and ready or lawn (slashing) duties by spring. My future seems to be in the garden; we have had some bad news this week when the plumber who was installing a gutter guard on the main house said that whilst he was up on the roof he could see that the cottage roof needed replacement. I had been hoping that this would not be necessary for quite a few years, although it is showing signs of wear. We have also reached the conclusion that we will have to erect a shed by thevsouth gate on the lower lawn to store all of our possessions which are till in storage in melbourne, Sydney and in small part in Brisbane. Retrieving these is going to be expensive and traumatic. Building the shed will have some advantages in that we may ultimately have garage space for at least one car and that the front portion of the front lawn will become garage and travelled area, so no mowing ofbwhat has always been a difficult area. Hopefully the cost will be within our limited budget. Disposing of the stuff, some of which we apparently still want, seems very difficult, with trips to Melbourne involved. Because I haven't been well even short car trips have been difficult and dragging trailers around (not as it has turned out the best idea I have ever had) hasnt been possible. Money is regretably likely to be a future problem, with both diminishing resources and lowering interest rates. But to be honest, it always has been.


  1. Well it actually has paragraphs, so I've had an experience of the new improved blogger like all the others I have read. Maybe it's like the olden days with word processing and I need to put in hard returns, but can't remember how to do this.

  2. And some of the misspellings and typos are the iPads fault (although some are mine). Life isn't easy.

  3. X commenting on X is tres tedious.
