One year and nineteen days later, I'm back: older, poorer, sicker and with a lousy internet connection (thanks to the folks at Telstra).
There are fireplaces, no visible neighbours (from the house), we are over 1000 metres (1100 according to the topo maps) [I wish Blogger would learn to speak Her Majesty's English rather than The President's]; there have been snow capped peaks (and snow on the ground, 6 times this winter). There are no ruined castles, alas.
Being in the country the letterbox does not always overflow with junk mail, although it is full of Hermes, Amex, DJ's and LL Bean litter plus the occasional bit of local fluff:: (there was a brief, nasty struggle with Photoshop CS2 (this is the country) before this would load) – as usual at the top of the entry not here where I would like it.
The powerful combination of blogger, telstra, 30 windows open in firefox has sent my poor oldish MacBook black into a tailspin. And now there's thunder.
But please no hail.
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