After the tank crisis, the resolution of which will take some time, we went yesterday (Sunday 28 November, Australian time) a malling – to Westfield Penrith and Westfield Bondi Junction.
We had to take Clarice the Reindeer's (whom you will shortly meet) red an white polka dot dress, as we couldn't get it on her, back to the bear shop.
It is the right dress; Clarice may be a little overstuffed; and they immediately asked for her, but we had not thought to bring her. The doh of the day.
Then, after being stopped in St James Road for an unannounced and very bedraggled St Andrews Day parade moving it's way up Macquarie Street to Hyde Park (it was raining lightly) (and I badly needed a facility at that point, water torture being at it's daily peak), on to the Australian Museum Shop, with a parking space just outside Sydney Grammar next door (the parking fairies were in a good mood), for a few items from their catalogue which fell out of the SMH into my lap last Monday. These were needed for presentation on Sunday 12 December.
Thence to Bondi Junction, which was in turmoil. As we had planned, we ultimately ended up in the Valet parking area, although not without crawling along two levels down and then up the spiral car ramps. We presume that as it was a warm rainy day, the whole eastern suburbs choose the mall over the sands. Valet is just about worth the $15 they charge for the convenience, especially when parking is in short supply.
I got what I came for at Kikki K, an unplanned cookie icing kit at Wheel & Barrow, a Weekend FT at the newsagents and a couple of other items from L'Occitane as well as a chat about machines at Nespresso (I have wanted for some years one of their machines that fits in a travel case; I have a Nespresso Cube still in storage. My inability to decide on which type of espresso machine, or whether I need one at all, is still around (there will be a future post about this)),
I didn't get any budget tinsel or a tawdry plastic wreath to decorate the front gate. David Jones trim a tree section was understaffed and I waited and waited, not liking either their tinsel or over full wreaths or their christmas paper selection. This will be a K Mart or Bathurst purchase this week.
I was again pestered about closing my store account and having only a DJ's Amex card, to which I responded with a very vehement "No". This has become a nasty feature of any personal encounter with DJ's which must be annoying a lot of their customers.
I had a snack at Le Pain Quotidien on Level 4, my mother walking past and not seeing me, but ended up exhausted and late for our 3. 20 pm meeting on Level 1 outside David Jones. Then a quick moment in the knife shop.
My mother wanted to try a fish restaurant in Bourke Street, Surry Hills called The Battery and is part of the St Margaret's complex (former woman's hospital now apartments and shops) and is owned by the people who have Catalina in Rose Bay, but it was closed and parking was in very short supply (we didn't have the SMH Good Food Guide in the car for consultation – another poor preparation).
Finally back to Hampton with some usual inner west traffic snarl, a stop at the M4 Caltex (delicious life saving Berocca in a cup), an accident on the M4 at Eastern Creek and finallt back to Hampton at about 7.30 pm.
A dinner of coollish weakish Milo (need more), a salty roll and heavy butter from our morning coffee and bun stop at Schwarz's internetting (Price USA quote and bank transfer, phone still in car so had to redo SMS confirmation on transfer as phone was wedged between front passenger seat and door (I had thrown it back in on getting out and it had bounced).
iPad vs MacBook Air
I think I need one of these for next years 33 return trips to AGNSW lectures at 1-2pm Thursdays (and techno envy has always been a problem).
I ordered a 6" Kindle from Amazon last week for train trip (and beach trip) reading purposes, but it will take a week or so to arrive.
All of these are undoubtedly time/money sinks of first order.
I do like to have two computers around (JUST IN CASE), and would like to have something set up in cottage for email/internet (email optional but I need Google at my fingertips; skipped the iPhone thing and am still using ancient Motorola; foolish cost/benefit analysis has overlooked that I am going to spend just as much on iPad/Air Book; do have new Telstra pre paid still unconnected (Samsung same as my mother's, recommended as a good connector for country reception; not connected because I am wary of advice about transfer of stored telephone numbers of which I have no back up).
Have always wanted MacBook Air, but first model under spec d. Very much like 12 inch form factor (loved and used to breaking point my 12 inch Titanium MacBook although have come to be fond of this 13 inch black MacBook that I am now using).
The spec d up MacBook Air is quite expensive (nothing to claim against, so I am paying); I would really like a 256 gB hard drive – need Illustrator and would like to get new version, could manage with Photoshop Elements but might do course over next couple of years (ie within life span of MacBook Air) and want full blown Photoshop.
Form factor and portability of iPad very appealing, but don't no how useable.
Don't really need it for music or videos, although probably should realise that this is this years iPod upgrade (music situation a problem; current iPod 160 gB is synced to former, now defunct, Pitt Street desk top. Have to transfer iPod library from hard drive back up. This always runs right up against Apple's one iPod/one desktop policy, and strange messages about permissions for bought on line music (a bit, but not much although the Talich Quartet's Beethoven Quartet series is involved :: probably have about $AUD1,000 of music and audio books which might end up being unavailable – irritating but not unliveable).
Held back on Thanksgiving sale on iPads; discount was only about $AUD50.00 and I had only just ordered Kindle from Amazon, haven forgotten about Black Friday discounts.
Don't see iPad as ebook reader, but probably should.
More interested in newspapers ie NY Times, FT and magazines Monocle, New Yorker. Subscription prices still a bit off putting when bits are available on internet free of charge.
Is conundrum and paradox.
iPad will probably appear Real Soon Now and then MacBook Air in a couple of months.
Now cold, wet and foggy morning. Wanted clear day for emptying Volvo before it's trip to Blackheath for long overdue service, tomorrow (AEDT Tuesday 30 November – St Andrews Day) at 8 am. Will try and put some order in Christmas shopping, now all piled up in messy cottage instead. As if ......
iPad image, at top, from Apple US website. Used with love.
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